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Discipline Advertising Descriptors  –  Shiatsu

Benefit statements appropriate for use by practitioners of the discipline:

Feelings of relaxation

Improves mood

Increased energy levels

Improves circulation

More efficient removal of impurities and toxins

Helps relieve tension

A sense of whole body balance

Relieves stress

Can aid sleep

Helps with general well-being

The treatment or therapy may provide a beneficial effect to those suffering with the following conditions:

x Anxiety and depression ✓ Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
x Asthma ✓ Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)
✓ Back, leg, and neck pain x Parkinson’s Disease
x Carpal tunnel syndrome x Plantar Fasciitis
✓ Chronic Fatigue syndrome ✓ Palliative care
✓ Chronic Pain x Post-surgical rehabilitation
✓ Constipation ✓ Pregnancy and labour support
✓ Digestive disorders ✓ Pre-menstrual symptoms
x Emphysema x Psoriasis
✓ Fibromyalgia ✓ Repetitive Strain Injury
✓ Gastrointestinal disorders x Sciatica
✓ Headaches ✓ Sinus problems
x Hormonal imbalance ✓ Sleeping Disorders
✓ Inflammatory conditions such as arthritis ✓ Sports injuries
✓ Insomnia ✓ Strains and sprains
✓ Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) ✓ Stress and stress related conditions
x Kyphosis and Scoliosis ✓ Stroke recovery
✓ Menopause symptoms x Tendinitis
x Migraine ✓ Whiplash


Research/Clinical studies for this discipline are available in the following categories:

Validated anecdotal evidence is approved by this discipline for use in promotional materials.


For any enquiries about the role of GRCCT please contact us